Design and Architecture

Frank Lloyd Wright has been someone that our entire team has always admired. His use of natural elements with modern day flair and simplicity is something that both sexes enjoy. After a significant study of the entire Scandinavian spa market in Canada we came to the realization that Le Nordik looks like Le Scandinave and they both look like Finlandais spa. They all look the same or have no real individual identity. The mountain lodge look is old now and very over used.

So Bill Hicks proposed that Frank Lloyd Wright through his famous mixing of natural elements with modern architecture could be our solution. It matched our demographic, it was new and it had its own identity. So keeping this in mind, our design concept involves plenty of moving water, lots of open space, tons of glass to let in light and the use of natural building materials mixed with steel and concrete.

This is what was created is this stunning early rendering. Something we are proud to call “The Badenhaüs Concept”.

Front View

At Badenhaüs you can see the use of water! We felt that the spa experience had to start as you walk up to the facility. Water is emanating out of the second story in two waterfalls into shallow pools that create a moat around the building. This convinces our guests that they are going somewhere to learn “About Water”.

Rear View

As you approach the building you are surrounded by water through our fountains and waterfalls. In the front is a terrace where clients relax and have a drink as they wait their turn to enter this exciting experience.